Our physical object is safe-vault that is materialized of plywood with a two dial lock containing a four digit pass code that is made out of cardboard to reduce weight. The plywood is laser engraved with randomized letters that fill up the area of each face of the safe-vault. Inspired by the film "National Treasures", the four digit pass code is found within the randomized letters. In order to find the pass code, the user will have to scan a QR code located near the two dial switch that will lead them through a mysterious journey. Once opened, the user will notice the box has been filled with sand. Having envelopes located on the Inside of the door, we encourage the user to find all of the objects. The objects include but are not limited to: USB drive, scrolls inside soda cans, and objects that negatively impact our environment, puzzle pieces and placards of species.The user will have to identify which objects are apart of the game and what is just litter. Once identified, they will retrace their steps back through the digital component in order to solve the second mystery and understand what the objects mean. Green New Deal in action, and hints towards survival or lack thereof. The last mystery is the puzzle piece will indicate that they have solved all the puzzles of the box and may link back to a digital component.
The purpose of this is to have a back-and-forth interaction with the physical component and digital component in order to understand what has happened to earth since the implementation of Green New Deal. Planet Earth may have survived, but all of mankind failed to save their own species due to the major corporations that held major control over the environment. Humans did not change their ways on reducing their carbon footprint and in result, this lead to a domino effect in the atmosphere and all four Eco systems. The increase in temperature caused the ice caps to melt at an alarming rate, leading to the release of methane (which is far worse than CO2) to be exposed in the atmosphere, and sea levels that engulfed cities and islands. The government put a national emergency in this crisis, and gas masks and hazard suits were limited to those who had access to one. Savior was found in the species that had survived the catastrophe.
The digital interaction will be initiated through a QR code located near the two dial switch on the safe-vault. Once scanned, this is their first step in solving for four digit pass code. The user will go through multiple pathways in order to solve the mystery. We wanted to have a higher and more complex interaction with the digital part after reading the feedback from our peers, rather than having the QR code link directly to the journal. The user will be given clues for the four combinations to solve the safe-vault where it will be found through various websites, games, dialing a phone call, and diary entries. Instead of explaining it step by step there is a flowchart shown below.
Instead of only setting up a future beach scene to communicate the disaster, requiring the user to explore the physical and digital aspects of the project brings a more authentic feel. The themes in this topic are explained within the Green New Deal website, and we propose an outcome to the plan by showing the efficacy of that proposal. In this case, the Green New Deal did not have a positive impact and therefore our world is taken over by greenhouse gases and non-renewable energy. The user physically shifts through the sand within the vault to find littered items typically found in today’s world and has a back-and-forth interactivity with the digital and physical components.
Green New Deal : Used for research and finding information about the Green New Deal and the goals of the policy.
Safe Box Instructions : Used as an inspiration for the design of the box.
QR Code Generator : Used to create QR codes that were included on and into the box.
Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions : Used for research and gathering ideas of the items to include with our artifact.
Top 5 Most Polluting Companies : Used for research and context of where problems are coming from.
Dessler, Andrew “Introduction to Modern Climate Change” : Used for research about climate change.