A lot of the suggestions are those that we’re currently working on - providing a wider variety of items in the sand, refining the gears to unlock the box, and organizing the website’s pages for easier navigation. One piece of advice we think is the most beneficial to our project’s development would be creating a character, one that created the box and wanted the deteriorating state of the Earth to be communicated with the user interacting with it.
Describe what the artifact is about, how it envisions life 50 years from now, whether it addresses climate change or the Green New Deal, how it's discovered, and whether this is clear from their website or slides.
In the future, a wooden box containing an assortment of various items are found and can be opened after reading through the narrative about the box itself. As the user learns more about the background and context of the box they also learn about its contents. The contents are obtainable by entering the secret code found in pieces as you complete the story. Each object will have a background for why it matters in the context of the time period and what role it may have had in climate change.
The artifact is about climate change and the human influences to that change. The unwillingness and failure to act lead to our downfall. Emma Jones, the main character, decides to collect evidence for the Earths decline. I assume that's when the box comes into play. The box components are like finding evidence.
What sorts of interactions occur in the experience? How does it work? Are there particular strengths or weaknesses in the digital or the physical part of it?
A single player interactive game where you read journal entries that tie to clues on the box itself that gives away letters to unlock passcode. Strengths are the artifact and digital game interactivity to figure out the passwords.
You must put in the right 3 digit code to be able to open the box and when you go back to the journals and websites, you'll find hint words covered all along the box. It also has a handle in which you physically open with a handle/doorknob. You must go through the code first too to get the digits.
As you shuffle through the sand you find many elements that contributed to the Earth's pollution and other problem causes.
Game players should scan the QR code to enter their website. They get codes from their website to open the box. The physical box may need reprocessing to make it stronger.
You physically have to unlock a box as well as play through missions on a website and view other content. The lockbox is extremely unique and interesting to play around with and use.
The interaction for this project is quite unique because the box is thought to be the artifact at first, but holds more items inside that are also relevant to the story.
What other resources could be investigated by the team to inform their final work? Does this remind you of anything or do you think there's a resource they should refer to in their final write up?
Flimsy/weak locking mechanism - it needs a stronger/different material
Investigate how many people still survive on earth and who is able to find the time capsule and why? More context on who you are
Looking at other puzzle boxes in real life to add to the design
How polished is their website (and slides if they made slides)? How could they be improved?:
Polished and clean, shows process clearly
Fewer links so its all on one page, making it less confusing to navigate
Are there any other suggestions you have for the team?
Fill the box with more variety of objects
Have the outside of the box be decorated with pictures, or something related to the message.
Make the lock work on the box
adding some more imagery to complement the number graphics.
The implementation of this tracking system on a mobile device. I would suggest looking into how adding a leaderboard may lead to increased competition and what effect that can have on the user
Adding more industries or even adding specific people
Adding black liquid to represent oil.
Introduction to how to get started/where to start
Put in a more back story on how it was found could deepen the experience of the player and the narrative.
Add some basic design to the outside and possibly the inside of the box to add to the aesthetics of something long forgotten and then found.
3D printed gears instead of cardboard to increase strength
Adding a menu onto the front page of our website for more simple navigation
Adding images to the interior of the box
Get more of a variety of objects into the box - actual size
Add more journal entries that have more context on the backstory